I fell in love with this sock monkey fabric at Crafty Planet when I first visited Minneapolis two years ago. I bought it, intending to make a bag for my daughter, Sam, and then brought it home to Michigan and promptly misplaced it. Seriously, I looked EVERYWHERE! Eighteen months and two moves later, it turned up (yes – I really am that organized).
I didn’t really use a pattern for the bag, just kind of made it up as I went along. The finished measurement is approximately 12" x 9". The bag itself and the pocket are double layers (right sides out). The handles are sewn between the two layers of the bag. I made the pocket kind of narrow and deep in case she wants to put knitting needles in it. Then I just picked the cutest monkeys out of the last fabric and cut them out and buttonhole stitched around them , kind of going for a yearbook/family album feel.

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