Monday, March 26, 2012

Knitted Farmyard - A Community Project

When Living Crafts featured this community knitting project in their very first issue (Winter 2008), I immediately knew that I wanted to try the project. This year, I finally managed to put out a call for knitters/crocheters in our school community and get the project off the ground. We're working on the farmyard as an auction item for our upcoming fundraiser.

Our group of fiber artists ranges from novice to very experienced and I tried to keep things as simple as possible, with the only requirement that we try to have a fairly standard sized square (10" x 10").Most of the coordinating on my part has been done via email, with an enthusiastic response from our wonderful parent community. My thought was to just let everyone be creative and work at their comfort level, and just see what we ended up with. Imagine my surprise and delight when I came to a parent handwork meeting last week and was greeted with these:

I'll post more pics as the project continues to come together. So excited to see the finished project!

Beanbottom's Scarf

Beanbottom's Scarf
2004: My first completed knitting project!